Booking – eng

Tversted Jazzy Days has grown into a highly recognized and respected jazz festival, the audience but the extent of jazz musicians from Denmark and the rest of the world.

And we are very pleased.

Therefore get Jazzydays Chairman Niels Ole Sørensen many emails and phone calls. And when Jazzydays is something everyone in Jazzydays board are doing in their spare time, we are not able to reply to all mails and phone calls.

AND remember we are a festival only make this one festival in week 42 in October.

We do NOT concerts year round.

Therefore, you should do the following if you want to be considered for our jazz festival every year in the week 42nd
Mail to Niels Ole Sørensen in early January each year. NOT per. telephone.

We do not have the resources to answer the many emails, so:

If you haven´t heard from us by. mail or phone call before April 1 you are NOT to come into consideration for this year’s jazz festival.

All are welcome to send an email but check our profile in order not to send an email vain in advance.

We have, for example. not traditional jazz and modern jazz to our festival. Nor decidedly blues music. We are a jazz festival.

Contact Niels Ole Sørensen here: